Wang Yifan and Wang Yifang: Paintings by Wang Yifan



Star Gallery is pleased to present the fourth solo exhibition of Wang Yifan: Wang Yifan and Wang Yifan, with his various paintings made in last ten years, on September 26, 2015. 

Wang Yifan completed his graduation works, the Crying People series, under the direction of Chen Danqing in 2003, and left school for a life of artist. Continuously working on the annoying “conceptualized academic painting” for a short period, he abandoned his most familiar ways of painting completely, and started his Blackboard series. He wrote on black canvas, which looked like blackboards, and found him being freely expressed in this ambiguous area among figurative and non-figurative, literature and painting. “When I could not paint, I wrote”, said Wang Yifan, who then completed the large-scale masterpiece Ma Li series in 2009. The work is made of 11 pieces of “blackboards” with Wang Yifan’s friends’ duplication of his novel Ma Li. In the same year, Lee Ambrozy curated Wang Yifan’s solo exhibition -- Kàn Bù Wán (Could Not Be Finished), with Ma Li as the centerpiece, as the work was too long for anybody to finish at an exhibition scene.