Spring Breeze



To mark the first exhibition of Star Gallery's return to the 798 Art Zone, Liu Heung Shing's solo show “Spring Breeze” will be held during Gallery Weekend Beijing 2019.


Pulitzer-prize-winning photojournalist Liu Heung Shing, narrated two of the most momentous stories of the 20th century: the rise of China and the collapse of the Soviet Union, with his most iconic photographs. As a photographer, Liu’s philosophy is to explore, unravel and reveal the complexity of grand narratives, its flaws, frailty, and the misnomers & duplicity at work within, through the impact it has upon ordinary people and social mien.


In 1983, Liu’s photo book “China After Mao” was published by Penguin Books, prompting Newsweek to describe him as “the Henri Cartier-Bresson of China.” All works in “Spring Breeze” are selected from this milestone publication, focusing mostly on the activities of the ordinary people.